dinsdag 23 november 2010

Whoopi's new life in Belgium

Let me introduce you to my horse Whoopi. Whoopi is an 18 year old Hanovarian mare who has worked for the Höxter riding stable for the last 5 years. Working became a little bit too much for her and it was decided that she could retire. From a TTeam-practitioner in Training I became her add. Whoopi was to be handed over through a german animal welfare group : http://www.pferde-und-esel-in-not.de/

They would decide which home would be best for her to go to. Myself I love animals and always wanted to have my own horse but it is difficult to decide on what you want because there are thousands of horses out there. So I decided to draw up a wishlist with what I wanted the horse to be and leave it up to the universe to bring me the right horse. And there she was a few days later. A friendly, lovely horse who also watches out for me when I am not paying attention, which sometimes happens...:-)

I visited Whoopi for the first time on the 30th of October. I had some doubts, it was all so overwhelming that I did not know what to think. Whoopi on the other hand seemed convinced that we would be a good team. She followed me through the paddock and didn't leave my side although I was walking away from the people she was familiar with.

Julia was Whoopi's best friend in Höxter. She was always taking care of Whoopi, taking her for a ride or cleaning her. Julia was very sad to see Whoopi leave. Whoopi and I hope that Julia will visit us very soon.

1 opmerking:

  1. How sad indeed for Julia... and what a lucky horse Whoopi must be to get such a caring new owner!
    Wish you (both) a mutually pleasing collaboration and contact and happy retirement :-)!

    Jan V.
