zondag 6 november 2011

Tellington TTouch Training op Facebook

For all those who want to follow us from time to time you can follow us from now on on the Facebook pages of Tellington TTouch Training Belgium !

Whoopi enjoying the company of my husband Henk.

zondag 23 oktober 2011

Time flies ! Meet Bruno our dog !


It has been a very very busy summer, we have a new puppy with us named Bruno, he is now approx. 7 months old. So no time for writing these last few months but very busy with raising a puppy and taking care of Whoopi and the cats. Together with going to work, giving TTouch workshops, going to several trainings myself, writing case studies of horses for my TTeam training, maintaining 2 websites, answering mail from customers and so on...I could hardly find time to breath...;-)

Anyway Whoopi is doing fine and we hope for a mild winter. She is changing, she is becoming more and more herself. Where as she used to have a strict schedule in the past today she can choose whatever she wants to do during the day. She really had to adapt to all that freedom she got. But today she enjoys it very much, sometimes she is running in the meadow as a young filly.

vrijdag 10 juni 2011


Vandaag een berichtje in het Nederlands.

Voor al diegenen die Whoopi eens een bezoekje willen brengen; jullie zijn van harte welkom op de Open Deur Dag bij Droomvanger op zaterdag 25 juni van 11h - 18h. Er zal vanalles te beleven zijn : TTouch workshops, workshops Yoga voor Ruiters - "Ruiter in balans", Klankbeleving in een tipi, een lezing over biologisch weidebeheer door BIO RON, Essentiële olieën en hoe deze toepassen bij paarden enz...

Ook aan de allerkleinsten is er gedacht; er gaan workshops door voor de kinderen met o.a. toverstafjes maken, droomvangers maken enz...hiervoor dien je op voorhand in te schrijven : meer info op http://www.droomvanger.be/

Tevens zullen er allerlei standjes zijn met een waaier aan producten voor biologisch weidebeheer, 100% natuurlijke producten voor de verzorging van je paarden (Silverlinde), stand met juweeltjes en natuurlijke cosmetica enz...voor elk wat wils.

Voor de hongerigen en dorstigen zal er allerlei lekkers te verkrijgen zijn.

Uiteraard ben ik er zelf ook heel de dag met mijn TTouch-stand.

Ik hoop jullie te zien de 25ste ! Tot dan.

Whoopi, Greet & het Droomvanger-team

vrijdag 22 april 2011

Wellness treatment by Yannic Ongena, osteopat for horses

Whoopi got treated for the second time by Yannic. First time was a few months ago on the 23rd of December. I was very happy to hear that she thought Whoopi looked really good and had physically and mentally improved since her last visit. Since we moved we have been able to do a lot of TTeam/TTouch groundwork and bodywork which improved Whoopi's balance physically, mentally and emotionally. Yannic checked on Whoopi's legs, her back, her neck - front to back and back to front, left side and right side. Also her stride improved according to Yannic, she has a much larger stride than before. So all in all very good news ! Before Yannic starts her treatment I had to walk Whoopi in small circles and then in straight lines than trot with her in hand, it was more effort for me than for Whoopi.

Pim, the long haired cat always is in the front row when there is something going on.

Cadeau van het Keyzershof

Cadeau (is) was the "little" colt at Droomvanger. He was born on the 5th of May, 2009 he will be 2 years old in a few weeks. But despite his young age he is already HUGE. Whoopi is 1,68m approx. and Cadeau is slowly getting taller than her. One of his grand fathers grew to be 1,90m ! We sincerely hope he doesn't grow that tall too. You can see how tall he is on the last picture; I am 1,73m and he stands way over my head.
Last week Cadeau became a gelding, the last thing we were waiting for is the current hot weather cos the wound stays open to heal; cold weather and rain would have been better as we are now constantly fighting flies to keep them away from his wound.
Today while waiting for the osteopat for Whoopi I gave Cadeau some nice scratching on his itchy spots in his neck.

zaterdag 16 april 2011

Spring is in the country !

The horses are enjoying the first spring days with wonderfull sunny weather. Whoopi really enjoys being with the other horses and feels totally at ease in the herd. What a difference with a few months ago !

Picture of Whoopi taken under Vaillant's belly :-)

Whoopi is often together with Pepper, the quarter gelding. He is a quiet horse which she seems to appreciate. I like Pepper too! He is sweet, cool in his head and down to earth and above that a really good looking quarter horse.

vrijdag 15 april 2011

Romeo, the dentist for horses

Whoopi had her yearly check-up of her teeth. She behaved impeccable. She stood still and waited patiently for her teeth to be cleaned. She had just 1 little hook that was removed. Next week Yannic, the osteopat comes by to check on Whoopi.