vrijdag 22 april 2011

Wellness treatment by Yannic Ongena, osteopat for horses

Whoopi got treated for the second time by Yannic. First time was a few months ago on the 23rd of December. I was very happy to hear that she thought Whoopi looked really good and had physically and mentally improved since her last visit. Since we moved we have been able to do a lot of TTeam/TTouch groundwork and bodywork which improved Whoopi's balance physically, mentally and emotionally. Yannic checked on Whoopi's legs, her back, her neck - front to back and back to front, left side and right side. Also her stride improved according to Yannic, she has a much larger stride than before. So all in all very good news ! Before Yannic starts her treatment I had to walk Whoopi in small circles and then in straight lines than trot with her in hand, it was more effort for me than for Whoopi.

Pim, the long haired cat always is in the front row when there is something going on.

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