zondag 6 maart 2011

Pictures of Whoopi's 2nd day at "DroomVanger"

Good food...yummy !

Aha, something else is coming...

I have a box in which I have treats for Whoopi, I call it her Magic Box like they do at McDonalds.
She knows her Magic Box very well !!! She gets impatient when it takes too long to take something out and bumps with her head against my...

As far as you can see is the land that the horses can use, the houses in the background are the more or less the borders of the land. The other half is behind me from where I took the picture. Space enough !

Vaillant with Whoopis' bucket : Did you leave anything for me ???

Whoopi sniffs with Indy.

Pepper pays Whoopi a visit.

Grooming time !

Whoopi loves being brushed, especially her tail !

Beautiful Whoopi !

1 opmerking:

  1. It's really nice that Whoopi's lives a lot closer now! I hope she will be happy there and make a lot of friends.
    She looks great, by the way!

