It has been a very very busy summer, we have a new puppy with us named Bruno, he is now approx. 7 months old. So no time for writing these last few months but very busy with raising a puppy and taking care of Whoopi and the cats. Together with going to work, giving TTouch workshops, going to several trainings myself, writing case studies of horses for my TTeam training, maintaining 2 websites, answering mail from customers and so on...I could hardly find time to breath...;-)
Anyway Whoopi is doing fine and we hope for a mild winter. She is changing, she is becoming more and more herself. Where as she used to have a strict schedule in the past today she can choose whatever she wants to do during the day. She really had to adapt to all that freedom she got. But today she enjoys it very much, sometimes she is running in the meadow as a young filly.